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Comment 115 for Proposed Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation (act2019) - 15-1.

First NameJohn
Last NameReister
SubjectSupport of Advanced Clean Trucks
Dear Chair Nichols and CARB staff,
I was reading recently how the USA is falling behind Europe and
China in the shift to clean energy.  In Europe, there will be 20+
models of electric delivery vans/vehicles on the market in the next
2 years.  But many of the automakers are only planning on
introducing them in Europe because that is where the demand is!  I
was also reading that Europe is going to spend much of their
Coronavirus recovery stimulus on green technologies and zero
emission vehicles.  

I think that passing the clean truck rules will end up helping
consumers and the manufacturers.  The costs of cleaning up later
would be much higher than the costs of prevention now.  There will
be significant direct benefits to environment and health, but also
green benefits of improving the state of the art for battery
technology and reducing battery costs per kWh.  
John Reister

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2020-05-27 15:39:12

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