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Comment 8 for Proposed Zero-Emission Forklift Regulation (zeforklifts) - 15-1.

First NameAlison
Last NameHahm
AffiliationT.H.E. Impact Project & Coalition Allies
SubjectComments on CARB Zero-Emission Forklifts Regulation
Dear Chair Randolph and Members of the Board,

On behalf of Earthjustice, NRDC, Sierra Club, CCAEJ, CCA, Pacific
Environment, SPPHC, WLBA, and EYCEJ, we submit this comment letter
regarding the proposed 15-day changes to the California Air
Resources Board's Zero-Emission Forklift Rulemaking.

We appreciate CARB's hard work on the ZE Forklifts Regulation. In
order to address the air quality challenges in California, we need
to transition every segment of our transportation sector to
zero-missions. This regulation is an important step in that
direction, but we urge CARB to adopt a more ambitious proposal that
will bring us to 100 percent zero-emission forklifts by 2035. 

Thank you for your consideration of our comments.

Original File Name6-5-24 Impact Project ZE Forklifts Letter_Final.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-06-05 14:49:51

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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