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Comment 36 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NameGregory
Last NameBumb
AffiliationMotorcycle Dealership Owner
SubjectComments Regarding OHRV2019
Dear Members of the Board, 

I am writing to you to address the proposed Amendments to the Red
Sticker Program of Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles. 

As a business owner and a motorcycle enthusiast myself, I can tell
you, first hand, that these amendments would not only restrict
freedom of movement on lands operated and maintained by the State
of California with our tax dollars but also severely hurt my
business. My business relies on customers and individuals who enjoy
off-highway motorcycle riding and if this amendment were to take
effect, that business would be severely diminished if not
eliminated, entirely. 

As a citizen of this state I am proud to do business and operate
within the state. However, as an American citizen it is our right
to question the states decision to restrict or eliminate certain
rights and privileges when it pertains to lands that are operated
with our tax dollars. 

An entire segment of businesses and customers would be wiped out.
The off-highway recreational vehicle industry is a thriving and
ever expanding industry that is attracting youngsters of every age,
race and creed. It helps youth and other individuals take up a
hobby that inspires dedication and efforts beyond the classroom. It
curtails substance abusive behaviors and gives physical challenges
that each rider strives to overcome with each riding day. When they
go riding at places like Hollister Hills, they are out and away
from bad examples, drugs and other degrading behaviors.

Enacting this amendment would eliminate places for youth to ride
and expand on their skills and dedication - And then where would
they turn to?

I urge you not to take this action. Not only for the sake of my
business but for the sake of the youth and individuals who use the
property. It is the future of the industry and the future of the
riders who enjoy it. 


Gregory Bumb
Owner & General Manager
Gilroy Motorcycle Center

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-18 10:58:36

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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