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Comment 180 for Proposed Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation (act2019) - 15-1.

First NamePatricia
Last NameBlevins
Subjectproposed advanced clean truck regulation
It is past time that all commercial vehicles in California are
electric, ridding the environment of toxic diesel fumes which
pollute the air we breathe and contribute to lung disease.  Further
these diesel fueled trucks contribute the largest amount of GHG
emissions in California.  With climate disaster bearing down on us,
we MUST decrease GHG emissions and that is the job of the Air
Resource Board.  So this regulation makes good sense and is also
the moral and right thing to do for California residents.  Its a
win for trucking companies too.  No diesel fuel to buy, no upkeep
on internal combustion engines, quiet environment while driving
with clean air to breathe for their drivers.  The cost savings
would ultimately and quickly pay for the outlay of money to buy the
electric truck.  Please act quickly to approve this regulation as
time is running out.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2020-05-28 09:53:30

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