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Comment 37 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NamePatrick
Last NameGarrahan
SubjectRed Sticker Program
Thanks for taking the time to consider my input.  I work in the
motorcycle industry and these proposed amendments to the Red
Sticker Program potentially would have huge negative impacts to my
career and my family.  My daily interaction with motorcycle dealers
has me very concerned for their future as the cost of doing
business in California is already so high.  My brother also works
in the motorcycle industry providing training for new riders in
established OHV areas in the state and this would severely impact
his business.  

California already has a successful self funded green sticker
program through the gas tax.  While I believe it should be amended
it should allow for year round riding of all motorcycles to provide
outdoor recreation opportunities for people.  The current system of
allowing older OHV but restricting newer cleaner products doesn't
make sense.  

My background is in off road motorcycle racing and in this state a
majority of the races are held on county, state, or federal land. 
To prepare for these events we also visit these open public lands. 
To close these areas to red sticker motorcycles is only going to
increase illegal use and not decrease emissions. 

Let's try to use common sense to reach California's emissions
goals.  The dirtiest air in California is in the Los Angeles basin
where there is little to no OHV recreation.  Focus on solving the
major causes of pollution instead of going after small interest
groups that contribute a negligible amount to the problem.

Thanks again for listening to my concerns,

Patrick Garrahan

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-18 11:29:11

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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