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Comment 3 for Amendments to the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation and the Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Test Procedure (actzepcert2024) - 45 Day.

First NameJeffrey
Last NameRicker
SubjectJunk Science, Junk Regulations
California Air Resources Board

Proposed Amendments to the Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation
and the Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Test Procedure

Type Of Comment: Individual
E-Mail Address:
Submitter     :  Jeffrey P. Ricker, CFA
Date          :  20240507

In this comment set forth below, we will discuss:

1. Anthropogenic CO2 Global Warming is Junk Science.
   A. Global Warming Data Fraud.
   B. Proof that Man Made CO2 Has Not Warmed the Earth.
2. What is the Global Temperature Reduction From This Regulation?

Global Warming Alarmists have infested the staff of bloated CARB. 
And they have 
been very very busy.  CARB has released an abhorrent torrent of
costly junk 
regulations to abate CO2 emissions.  A Climate Kraken.  These
regulations have 
enormous costs.  Benefits are not known.  CARB deliberately will
not say. CARB 
will not quantify the global temperature reduction benefit from any
of its CO2 
regulations.  This is why: As you will see, a climate shows the
temperature reduction benefits are infinitesimal.  

What we have here is yet another Climate Kraken: "Proposed
Amendments to the 
Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation and the Zero-Emission Powertrain
Test Procedure".  It is a morass of inane regulations that only an
environmental consultant could love.  There is nothing whatsoever
on how many
tonnes of CO2 are abated or the Global Temperature reduction

Lots of costs.  No benefits.

1. Anthropogenic CO2 Global Warming is Junk Science.

A. Global Warming Data Fraud.

Global Warming Alarmists have used lies and doctored data for
decades to promote their hidden policy agendas toward income and
wealth redistribution.

Global Warming Alarmists perfidy was rampant in the infamous
ClimateGate Scandal. Leading global warming climatologists were
caught fraudulently doctoring temperature data to increase Global
Warming. The United Nations Nobel prize winning Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used temperature data from East
Anglia University's Keith "Fudge Factor" Briffa who's computer code
contained what he called "fudge factors" adding up to 0.75 of a
degree to increase the recent temperature data. In addition,
climate scientists conspired to expunge the high historic
temperatures of the Medieval Warming Period.  In the MWP the Earth
was so warm that Greenland was actually green.  People would see
the MWP and say hey, no difference today. Deleting the MWP made the
current warming look unique.  It is not.

Furthermore, Pennsylvania State University Prof. Michael "Hide the
Mann fraudulently spliced two temperature data sets. To make them
match he raised the lower data set to match the higher data set
where they overlapped. This hid a discrepancy which would have
showed up as declining temperatures. Prof. Mann was nearly fired
for this breach of academic research protocol.

The ClimateGate Scandal showed there is an abundance of man-made
global warming data. But not so much man made global warming.  Like
the made up temperature data, Nobel Prize winner President Obama
made up a number when he said "97 percent of climate scientists
agree that climate change is real, man-made and dangerous."  There
is no evidence whatsoever backing up the 97% number.

In fact there are a lot of respected scientists that disagree, and
probably many more
that silently disagree.  What we have here is an Asch conformity
syndrome.  Pressure from a group leads people to conform, even when
they know that the rest of the group is wrong.  Pressure is
endemic.  The academic peer review process has been corrupted. It's
a lynch mob. Doubting scientists can't get research grants, can't
get their research published, and don't get hired for climate
policy jobs. Among academia, these "Climate Deniers" are one cut
above a leper with a bell.

B. Proof that Man Made CO2 Has Not Warmed the Earth.

The science is not settled. Blaming man made Carbon Dioxide, CO2
molecules, for The Global Warming Crisis is junk science.

We can agree that the Earth has warmed about +1.0C degree during
the Industrial era. We can also agree that CO2 has increased
+0.013% from 0.028% of the atmosphere to 0.041% during the
Industrial era.  However correlation does not prove causality.

CO2 is a tiny trace gas.  Envision this: If you are in a room with
a 9 ft ceiling
and all the gasses were stacked, the pre-industrial CO2 layer would
be as thin as
a credit card.  The raised letters on the credit card are as tall
as all the extra
CO2 added during the industrial age.  It is this tiny thin layer of
invisible gas
that has got potty mouth Greta Thunberg, Nobel Prize winner Al
Gore, befuddled
Mr. Biden, and all the other Global Warming alarmist's panties in a
bunch.  An
invisible layer of gas as thin as the raised letters on a credit

How an infinitesimal +0.013% increase in CO2 can cause a +1.0C
degree increase in the remaining 99.987% of the atmosphere defies
any common sense explanation.

The Global Warming - CO2 gas math is quite simple. And physically
The Earth's atmosphere has warmed +1.0C degrees during the
industrial era.  The
added CO2 during the industrial era is one part in 7,700 of the
To heat the atmosphere +1.0C degrees, the added CO2 molecules must
+1.0C x 7,700 or +7,700C degrees of heat.  The surface of the Sun,
93 million
miles away, is 5,700C degrees.  It defies common sense, and
physics, that the
Sun's surface heat, at 5,700C degrees, can travel 93 million miles
through space,
and then heat Earth's CO2 molecules hotter than the Sun at 7,700C

To make the CO2 heat pencil out, Global Warming Alarmists claim
there is a CO2
greenhouse heat feedback effect which amplifies the Sun's warming,
a gimmick
with the fancy name of "Radiative Forcing". The extra heat is
CO2 can't add more heat than it absorbs. CO2 is an inert gas. 
There is no
exothermic chemical reaction.

The planet Venus has been hailed by climate scientists as an
example of CO2
caused Global Warming.  Yes, Venus is very hot, 460C degrees.  But
conditions on
Venus are extreme.  The dense atmosphere is 96.5% CO2.  Surface air
is 1,300 Pounds per square inch, equal to 93 Earth atmospheres. 
That amounts
to 220,000 times as much CO2 as the Earth. Plus, at 67 million
miles from the
Sun, Venus receives twice the sunlight energy per square meter as
the Earth.
The extreme CO2 density, high pressure, and strong sunlight
conditions combine
to make the Venus CO2 warming effect 4.1 million times greater than
Earth's CO2.

Man made CO2 molecules are not the control knob for the Earth's

Don't be hornswoggled by Global Warming Alarmists.  It's junk

2. What is the Global Temperature Reduction From This Regulation?

You gotta wonder who wrote this inscrutable proposed regulation?
Answer: Expensive Sacramento lobbyists, expensive accounting and
consulting firms eager to get hired to help companies comply,
lawyers eager for all the resulting lawsuits, and the nameless
faceless Global Warming Alarmists bureaucrats that have infested
CARB.  Regulations are many pages of dreadful hooey that only a
$450 per hour environmental consultant lawyer could love.

If this thing passes, you gotta feel sorry for the hapless trucking
having to comply with yet another onerous inane CARB regulation,
adding costly expense to their thin margin business.  Trucking
executives reminisce
on their halcyon days when there was no such CARB compliance

I propose a Simplified Global Warming Disclosure for every CARB

Have every CARB CO2 abatement regulation disclose a simple estimate
quantifying how much the regulation will reduce CO2 emissions and
thereby reduce the Earth's temperature.  As Hillary Clinton once
said: "What difference does it make?"

While I disagree that man made CO2 has any significant effect on
the Earth's
temperature, to make the Global Warming Alarmists at CARB happy we
will go
with it.

With very little effort, without expensive outside advisors, CARB
can probably make a ballpark estimate of the end use CO2 emissions
abated by each regulation.  A good faith ballpark estimate of the
number of Metric tonnes of CO2 is all that is needed.

About 2.3 trillion metric tonnes of CO2 has been emitted during the
industrial era.
The global temperature has increased +1.0C degree.  Using this
ratio, each
regulation's temperature impact can be quantified:


For the proposed regulation, assume the total CO2 abated is 250
Million Metric 
Tonnes (MMT).  The Earth's global warming temperature decrease from
this costly 
regulation is therefore -0.0001087C degrees.

-0.0001087C = -250,000,000 X 1.0C / 2,300,000,000,000

That's it. Ask yourself, is an infinitesimal -0.0001087C degrees
worth the cost?

If CARB and Global Warming Alarmists are sincerely concerned solely
about The
Global Warming Crisis, the temperature change tells you all need to
know about the
benefit from CARB CO2 regulations.  Global Warming Alarmists can
add up all the
regulation temperature changes to quantify the total benefit of
CARB CO2 regulations to The Global Warming Crisis.

In summary, what we have here is a rogue unelected agency, infested
with Global 
Warming Alarmists, using a global warming theory tainted with
fraudulent junk 
science, to force feed wasteful Global Warming policies that are a
deadweight loss on the California economy, costing jobs, costing
costing people's lives, and in the instant case, proposing this
of utterly useless global warming regulations, without quantifying
the benefit, 
if any, toward The Global Warming Crisis.  

When we do quantify the benefit, it is infinitesimal -0.0001087C

Thank you for your consideration.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-05-07 00:48:45

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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