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Comment 26 for Scoping Plan Update: The Proposed Strategy for Achieving California's 2030 Greenhouse Gas Target and Draft Environmental Analysis (scopingplan2030) - Non-Reg.

Affiliationprivate citizen
SubjectGHG release from desalination feeds
The potential for GHG release from subsurface intakes for ocean
desalination has been overlooked as a source of GHG release.  The
State of California's Ocean Plan requires that future ocean
desalination plants source their feed waters from subsurface
intakes rather than open ocean intakes.  Waters sourced from these
wells will contain significant GHG contents (CO2 and CH4) that
would be released in the desalination process in volumes that could
be as high as millions of tons per year CO2e for a 50 million
gallon per day desalination plant.

I have brought this to the attention of the regulators of the
State's Ocean Amendments.  Attached are three documents related to
this issue: (1) my report documenting the likelihood of GHG
release; (2) a follow-up study funded by the State to verify or
refute my claims; and (3) my comments to the follow-up study. 

My recommendation to the State is that measurement of GHG in
potential desalination feed waters be required by the State prior
to permitting any subsurface feeds for desalination plants in
California.  The issue of potential GHG releases has not been
considered but in my opinion needs to be considered for siting
desalination plants.

Original File
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2017-02-16 18:39:09

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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