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Comment 41 for Amendments to Consumer Products Regulations (consumerproducts2021) - 45 Day.

First NameAnne
Last NameParzick
SubjectNo sweetheart deal for the fragrance industry
I support changes to regulations which could reduce the overall
public exposure to fragrances. The elimination of the exemption
should occur as soon as possible for our health and our
environment, I do not support extending the deadline to 2031.
Whether VOCs come from fragrance chemicals or from any other
sources, they affect our outdoor air pollution and our health. CARB
should be treating all industries equitably when it comes to
reducing VOC emissions. Research has shown that there is a
considerable proportion of the population that have reported
adverse reactions to fragranced products. In a national survey,
over 34% of respondents in the U.S. reported health problems, such
as migraine headaches and respiratory difficulties, in response to
exposure to fragranced products. In addition, skin allergies to
fragrance are well documented in the scientific literature. Between
2-11% of the general population experience skin allergies to
Thank you for your consideration of these comments.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-03-19 21:55:47

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