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Comment 31 for Proposed Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation (act2019) - 45 Day.

First NameMisha
Last NameAskren, MD
AffiliationSierra Club
SubjectAdvanced Clean Truck Rule
Good Morning, 

I am submitting my comment in support of the ACT before the Board

I am a Family Practitioner for over 35 years.   My practice started
out on the West side,but over the years, I moved to locations that
were much more east and south.  These are the areas closer to the
port, impacted by freeways and truck traffic.  Added to that is the
 additional impact of refineries, oil fields and LAX. 

As I moved east and practice the last 16 years in Inglewood, I
noticed much more problems with asthma, chronic cough along with
other health problems.   Families had to spend more money on
inhalers which were essential.  There were more office visits for
health problems, Emergency Room visits, hospital stays and even
deaths.  Clean Vehicles would decrease the burden on these patients
and improve their health, allowing them the benefits of improved
health, attend school and work reliably and face a healthy future.

Lest the news reports of "cleaner" air during the pandemic
encourage delay in implementing this Rule, air quality during the
stay at home period still reached unhealthy for all groups at
places in the LA Basin, the Inland Empire.  That pollution then
extends to the desert and Big Bear Lake, so that this issue affects
all of Southern California. 

Pass the ACT rule to make progress and improve our Zero Emissions
vehicles for health in the future. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2020-06-25 10:10:36

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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