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Comment 12 for Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation (acf2022) - 15-1.

First NameShannon
Last NameOrellana
AffiliationIcon Logistics Group, Inc.
SubjectCA cannot sustain on grid
I oppose this measure due to California is not ready to sustain
this kind of draw on the electrical grid.  Manufacturers cannot put
out the innovation to make the trucks haul a load over 100 miles
without stopping for hours to charge.  ILWU is putting the LA/LB
competitive edge at complete risk due to the stance on settling
contracts which has put major risk on carriers.  I do understand
clean air but this idea needs to go before the people of CA for a
vote.  We the people are paying the taxes on all these ideas and we
the people need to have the say.  

Too many companies have left California because it is not
competitive for businesses and this would further accelerate this
process.  Not to mention the crisis of suppling anything to the
residents of this state would be so limited that I can see a
complete rebellion of your constituents with inflation being so
high, no work, and homelessness on the rise.  

California needs to become competitive again and put the people
first instead of politics.  I am apposed of this idea, California
is not ready with power grid or any concern for small businesses at

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2023-03-30 08:59:19

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