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Comment 43 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NameSean
Last NameMcCulloch
SubjectNon-Affiliated support of D36 proposal (orginal submission was sent prematurely)
I am not a member of the American Motorcycle Association. I dont,
at least currently, participate/race/compete in off-road events or
competitions. I dont even own a red sticker bike (all are green).

Despite this, I strongly urge the board to approve the "Competition
Stakeholder" proposal by the AMA District 36. I believe it to be a
more than reasonable (to say the least) alternative. 

I ride recreationally. I work 60+ hours a week. I pay my taxes. I
obey the law.

As is, I think that the current green/red sticker program unfairly
discourages and punishes a specific portion of the population that
is engaging in a legal and healthy recreational activity. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-18 15:26:11

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