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Comment 38 for FY 22-23 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives and Carl Moyer Program Changes (fundingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameGeoffrey
Last NameRusack
AffiliationCatalina Island Company
SubjectSupport for the Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Services

The Catalina Island Company

P.O. Box 737

Avalon, California  90704


November 14, 2022


Liane Randolph

Chair, California Air Resources Board 1001 I Street, #2828


Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Chair Randolph:

On behalf of the Catalina Island Company (ICO), I am writing in support of the California Air Resources Board’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2022-23 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives.


ICO is a privately owned company, that was formed over 100 years ago.  It is the largest employer on the Island and engages in, among other things, activities, hospitality, visitor and local services and much more.


The island in general and ICO in particular depends highly on the services provided by Catalina Channel Express (CCE) and we believe this proposed funding plan will greatly assist this transportation service in secure new engines and new boats that will meet the new emissions standards.


From what I understand, the California he legislature recently appropriated $20 million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) and $40 million from the General Fund for Commercial Harbor craft, specifically referencing privately operated common carrier ferries regulated by the PUC. Based on this legislative action, CARB staff is proposing spending a total of $60 million for Demonstration and Pilot Projects for Commercial Harbor Craft.


ICO supports this recommendation and understands that CCE is ready to move forward with the purchase of a Tier IV compliant passenger ferry and intends to remove three existing ferries with older engines from service thus reducing both criteria pollutants and GHG emissions. But there needs to be sufficient state funding available to make this purchase a reality. As acknowledged previously by CARB staff, CCE can’t feasibly retrofit existing vessels with Tier IV engines and after- treatment due to the fact that additional size and weight constraints would lead to a 50% reduction in passenger capacity. Consequently, CCE must instead purchase new ferry vessels. Each new vessel will cost approximately $20 million, and the cost is not financeable or recoverable through passenger fares. It would cost CCE approximately $120 million to replace the entire CCE fleet with Tier IV compliant vessels.


With adequate state funding, CCE would be able to achieve early compliance, emission reductions ahead of schedule and ensure Catalina Island’s future economic security. ICO wants to ensure that CARB‘s proposed funding plan leads to adequate funding being made available to privately operated ferries regulated as common carriers by the PUC operating on essential routes. We support the staff proposal.





Geoffrey Claflin Rusack

President and CEO

Catalina Island Company

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-11-14 16:54:55

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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