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Comment 47 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NameDoug
Last NameMcIntosh-tom
AffiliationCalifornia Native Resident
SubjectProposed amendments to the red sticker OHV program
As a California resident who rides a red sticker bike and uses OHV
facilities, Such as Hollister Hills, I wish to express my
opposition to these increased restrictions. 

As it stands now, I am able to enjoy these recreational facilities
with my family. We accept that during summer months, we are
restricted to the use, but to eliminate the use is extreme.

I have just purchased a new 2019 red sticker 4stroke with my hard
earned income. My family has 5 additional bikes, all red sticker,
and the financial impact to be born by the average citizen is
tremendous...... I essentially will have paper weights that have no
value.... this in itself seems to be government over reach.

Efforts for improved air quality should be focused on major
industry polluters that are allowed to continue based on their deep
pockets, political savvy, and use of lobbyist. 

Pareto air pollution and focus on the primary sources of

I respectfully request that you do not approve this change to
restrict red sticker use.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-20 08:17:25

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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