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Comment for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - .

First NameKristy
Last NamePace
SubjectPlease reform the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Dear California Air Resources Board,

Governor Newsom's  proposed amendments to California's Low Carbon
Fuel Standard subsidize combustion fuels with billions of dollars
per year and have no place in the future of CA or a world trying to
reverse climate change for our children and grandchildren.  There
is too much on the line, to get this critical program so wrong.

I urge you to correct your course and modernize the program by
reflecting your consensus that the only way to meet air quality
standards is through:

1.  Eliminate lavish incentives for combustion NOW!
2.  Focus on real air pollution solutions, not greenwashing.
3. Add a clean air multiplier to the credits system for public non
combustion fleets that transport many people at once.  
4. Reward the folks who are cleaning up our air not polluters!
5. End any delays and/or cuts to vital zero-emission transportation
6. use the Low Carbon Fuel Standard to more fully support
zero-emissions transportation.

California cannot meet our clean air and climate goals without
harnessing the power of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard and
overhauling this multibillion-dollar program for a zero emissions

Please act NOW to reform the program to achieve our state's
ambitious goals and to protect the future for the next

Kristy Pace
5139 Etiwanda Ave  Tarzana, CA 91356-4333

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-01-17 08:28:40

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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