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Comment 54 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NameChris
Last NameCarter
AffiliationLife Member AMA & Dist. 36
SubjectAmendment to the Red Sticker Program
I believe the CARB staff falls short since it continues to rely on
on complete data sets or misguided understanding of what
"competition means to affected riders,land managers,rural
economies,OHV dealerships,law enforcement of OHV
policies,conservation/restoration efforts,trail ethic education
programs,and organized OHV clubs/or motorcycle competition
sanctioning bodies.  As a lifelong motorcyclist and Calif.
resident,I have firsthand knowledge of the initial Green Sticker
and its intention to maintain off-road riding areas and keep them
available. This new proposal imposes far more restrictions than the
environmental benefits warrant. I'm also a business owner and know
that it will adversely affect the revenues for business and Calif.
state tax revenues.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-22 10:09:51

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