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Comment 6 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NameMatthew
Last NameWhitaker
SubjectSupport for the D36 Alternative
Off road competition is more than just jumping on a bike and
racing. It is an event that brings family and friends togather. It
is a tight knot community that looks out, supports and takes care
of each other.

Off road competition is something that keeps my Dad and I close.
I'm 31 years old, and my father is 60. He still pits for me, and
helps me practice. Helping me become better every day. We been
doing it for decades. My mother comes to the events, and extended
family even gets togather at a lot of events. It is a time of
gathering and fun.

However, it is important to understand that in order to race
safely, and have fun practice is needed. I can not just jump into a
difficult course and expect to complete it safely unless I have
practice time. The Vast OHV trail system in California is one of
the best premier trail systems to practice on. It allows me to
encounter all sorts of different terrain and allows me to do so on
my own time so I can really learn the obstacles and how to approach
them safely. Making me a better rider and a better competitor.
There is a need to allow us to practice with our competition bikes
on local, state and federal land. It's is crucial that the
committee understands this.

I believe that the D36 alternative plan is a very well reasons good
compromise. It allows us to practice and race and incentives the
casual rider to purchase green sticker complaint bikes.

Thank you for your time,
Matthew Whitaker

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-16 17:29:28

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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