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Comment for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - .

First NameJohn
Last NameTeevan
SubjectStop funding biogas
Dear Governor Newsom and Members of the California Air Resources
Board (CARB),

As a California resident, I am writing to urge you to stop using
taxpayer dollars to fund factory farm biogas projects, which
threaten the well-being of animals, people, and the planet.

Funding biogas production under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)
incentivizes the consolidation and growth of the notoriously
harmful factory farming industry. Every year, this industry forces
billions of animals to suffer in unimaginably cruel conditions. It
generates air, water, and methane pollution that entrench fossil
fuel interests and accelerate the climate crisis. And it increases
rates of high blood pressure, respiratory conditions, and
waterborne illnesses for local communities. To begin addressing 
these substantial harms, I implore you to implement the following
reforms to the LCFS:

1. Eliminate "avoided methane crediting" in 2024.
2. Address inaccuracies in the Life Cycle Assessment that ignore
associated up and downstream greenhouse gas emissions from factory
farm gas production.
3. Remove the 10-year "grace period" for factory farm gas
4. Stop double counting by allowing factory farm gas projects paid
for and claimed by other programs to sell LCFS credits as well. 

The future of our communities and shared environment is in your
hands. Please reform LCFS to create a safer, healthier home for all

Thank you for considering my comments.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-16 08:36:20

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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