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Comment 72 for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - 45 Day.

First NameLAURIE
Last NamePueschel
SubjectGet Rid of Factory Farms and all the extras that come with it
Factory farming is the one of the biggest atrocities of modern day
We vegans. vegetarians have proven meat is not a necessity at all
in the human diet. STOP playing around with regulations that
pretend to show you care about the environment. Humans are as much
as animals a connecting power to the environment. We are not
seperate but a part or partner to it. I have a sort of PTSD from
watching a few slaughterhouse videos to help keep me on my track of
meatless diet and compassion for our fellow sweet animals like the
cows, sheep, goats, pigs, ducks, turkeys, and chickens etc. Man is
in a state of CONFUSION in the walls of confinement of buildings,
roads, etc. Only an old time native American Indian can tell you
what it feels like to know the spiritual tie to the land they were
so proudly apart of. Simple living was a direct connection to truth
at all times and to all places in time. They could feel the energy
from the earth entering their being as some of us awakened can now
too. Their intuition was outstanding and their ability to
communicate with ancestors.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-16 08:53:31

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