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Comment 98 for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - 45 Day.

First NameAdam
Last NameAranyos
Subject Urgent Call for Ethical and Environmental Reforms in California’s Agriculture
Dear Governor Newsom and Members of the California Air Resources

I am reaching out to express my profound concern not only about the
environmental impact of factory farming in California but also
about the inherent cruelty to animals that these industrial
practices perpetuate. The support for biogas production from
industrial dairies under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)
policies, while intended to promote renewable energy, inadvertently
endorses and sustains these harmful and inhumane practices.

The state of California has long stood as a beacon of progress in
environmental protection and ethical standards. However, the
continued financial incentives for biogas as a byproduct of factory
farming practices are in stark contradiction to these values.
Beyond the significant issues of water pollution, groundwater
depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions, the system of factory
farming inflicts tremendous suffering on countless animals. These
sentient beings are confined in overcrowded, unnatural conditions,
deprived of their basic instincts and welfare, all in the name of
efficiency and profit.

Supporting biogas production under the current LCFS policies not
only overlooks but also financially rewards the environmental
degradation and animal cruelty inherent in the factory farming
model. This approach detracts from the urgent need to shift towards
more sustainable and humane agricultural practices. It sends a
misleading message that we can mitigate climate change without
addressing the root causes of these crises, including the ethical
treatment of animals.

I implore you and the CARB to reconsider the implications of
supporting biogas production within the LCFS. This is a pivotal
moment to align our environmental policies with a broader vision of
sustainability that includes animal welfare. We must end the cycle
of cruelty and environmental harm by investing in alternatives that
respect animal rights and contribute to a healthier planet.

I urge you to take a stand against the greenwashing of factory
farming and to lead the way in adopting policies that promote
genuine sustainability, respect for animal life, and the wellbeing
of our communities. The upcoming review of LCFS policies presents
an invaluable opportunity to correct our course and commit to a
future that values all forms of life and the integrity of our

Thank you for considering this critical issue. I trust in your
leadership to make decisions that reflect our shared values of
compassion, sustainability, and justice.

Adam Aranyos

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-16 12:13:12

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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