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Comment 619 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameRandy
Last NameTakeshita
SubjectCommon sense
What happen to the common sense that is supposed to be used when
passing a law.  Why are you a the Newsom trying to put more people
out of work and close down more businesses even after COVID-19 has
hurt so many.  Please take a more reasonable approach to the
situation with the sports boats.  There is not even a engine that
is made to fit in these boats with the specifications you are
asking for.  Your solution is to buy a new boat and pass on the
cost to the customer, don't You think California has already done
this to many times.  This is why so many people are becoming angry
with all this political stuff.  Use a little common sense and work
with the sports fishing industry to come up with a reasonable
solution.  I know this is my opinion, but I think you should really
take a hard look at what effect this will have.  Thank you for
reading my message.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-05 09:37:12

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