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Comment 144 for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - 45 Day.

First NameNorm
Last NameSendler
SubjectEnvironmental Efficiency
I'd like to introduce a new term / measure when considering energy,
"Environmental Efficiency".  For example, the average, grid-scale
solar / storage operation has an Environmental Efficiency of 1.1
MWh / acre.  A large nuclear plant, with a large "safety barrier",
has an Environmental Efficiency of ~40 MWh / acre.  And a next-gen
natural gas fired generating station has an Environmental
Efficiency of ~80 MWh / acre.

In other words, while a 24,000 MWh / day natural gas generating
station might sit on a half-square mile of land, a similar solar /
storage operation would require ~40 square miles of land; obscenely
abusive and low Environmental Efficiency.

And that does not include any of the raw materiel / rare earths
mining, production in highly polluting countries such as China, nor
the poor performance and accelerated life-time performance

Then there is the human rights issue, but that might be better
captured in a separate category.

The point being there is "no free lunch"; miles and miles of virgin
lands and waters are being abused, animals of land, sea and air are
being murdered and all for the whimsy of politicians in DC and

Remember, fossil fuels, such as natural gas, are simply Mother
Nature's stored solar energy; she's a very clever Lady.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-18 11:11:49

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