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Comment for Amendments to the Small Off-Road Engine Regulations: Transition to Zero Emissions (sore2021) - 45 Day.

First Namekimble
Last Namedarlington
SubjectPhasing Out Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment
Dear Chair Randolph and Members of the Board, 
I am a California resident and I support the adoption of new
regulations that will phase out the sale of highly-polluting
gas-powered leaf blowers and lawn equipment in California beginning
in 2024.

Across the street from my home, every week, one crew works 3 yards
which results in 8 hours of non-stop noise and nauseous fumes.  And
there are 2 other crews who service homes on my street.  These
crews have up to 6 people using various pieces of highly-polluting
equipment all at once. 
The use of gas-powered leaf blowers and lawn mowers in particular
causes numerous health problems, and greatly contributes to
California's notoriously poor air quality. California continues to
fail to meet national air quality standards, which means that
millions of Californians like myself breathe unhealthy air
This regulation will improve air quality, help to slow the climate
crisis, improve human health, and save lives.

Please approve and amend the SORE regulations per the staff

Kind Regards,
Kimble Darlington

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-18 06:47:26

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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