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Comment 155 for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - 45 Day.

First NameSusan
Last NameWrasmann
SubjectIncluding factory farm gas in California Low Carbon Fuel Standard
I grew up in California's central valley in the 50s and 60s but I
now live in the Midwest in the heart of factory farming. In
addition to the below reasons, I will add that so called "green
biogas" is anything but. It is methane, a dangerous greenhouse gas
that is just as harmful to the atmosphere as the fossil kind. These
farms also harm water quality and property values by their
concentrated feeding operations production of concentrated odors
and runoff. Please deny this misguided attempt to export your own
emissions through carbon credits. Here's what it will do:
Incentivize more corporate factory farms, harming family farmers,
rural communities, and our environment.
Create more corporate consolidation in the U.S. livestock
Commoditize methane production, which would fuel more methane
producing practices. 
Create additional overproduction of commodities, pork and milk,
increasing supply and further pushing down market prices paid to
independent family farms. 
Pay foreign multinational meatpackers, like Chinese-owned
Smithfield and Brazilian-owned JBS, for their pollution. 
Create incentives for the public (taxpayer dollars through
government subsidies) to fund anaerobic digesters to capture
factory farm gas.  

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-19 09:17:53

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