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Comment for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - .

First NameLinda
Last NameOlson
SubjectStop Funding Biogas
Dear Governor Newsom & Members of the CA Air Resources Board:
     As a CA resident, I am writing to urge you to stop using
taxpayer dollars to fund factory farm biogas projects, which
threaten the well-being of animals, people & the planet.  
   Funding biogas production under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
(LCFS) incentivizes the consolidation & growth of the notoriously
harmful factory farming industry.  This industry forces billions of
animals to suffer in unimaginably cruel conditions.  It generates
air, water, & methane pollution that entrench fossil fuel interests
& accelerate the climate crisis.  It increases rates of high blood
pressure, respiratory conditions & waterborne illnesses for local
communities.  To begin addressing these substantial harms, I
implore you to implement the following reforms to the LCFS:
  1.  Eliminate "avoided methane crediting" in 2024.
  2.  Address inaccuracies in Life Cycle Assessment which ignore
associated up & downstream greenhouse gas emissions from factory
farm gas production.
  3.  Remove the 10-year "grace period" for factory farm gas
  4.  Stop double counting by allowing factory farm gas projects
paid for & claimed by other programs to sell LCFS credits as well.
The future of our communities & shared environment is in your
hands.  Please reform LCFS to create a safer, healthier home for
all Californians!  
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Linda L. Olson

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-19 13:28:21

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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