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Comment 201 for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - 45 Day.

First NameNancy
Last NamePauken
SubjectStop rewarding mono-cropping, and factory farming/ranching
What we need to stop is pollution, whether it be from private jets,
yachts, McMansions, golf courses, the military, industry and
factory farming.  The predatory class, industry and the military
cause the vast majority of the pollution that poisons us and our
environment, yet they are all exempt from the ridiculous "carbon"
standards foisted on the rest of us, and yet our tax dollars
subsidize what little mitigation is actually done toward cleanup. 
There is no reason why Air Force One should run 24-7, which creates
gawd-knows how much pollution.

If anyone in government or our regulatory agencies (mostly staffed
by a revolving door of executives and lobbyists), actually cared
about us (they don't), our tax dollars would subsidize
regenerative, humane, organic, biodynamic, local, small-scale
farming and ranching, which would go a long way to restoring the
soil and cleaning up the environment.  And, we would severely
punish industrial polluters, where the executives would be
criminally prosecuted and spend time with rank and file criminals
in prison, and not some Club Fed where they play golf all day.  

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-20 11:03:55

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