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Comment 7 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NameMatt
Last NameBrock
SubjectPTSD relief with competition motorcycles
I am a sworn Firefighter for the City of San Jose Fire Department.
I suffer from PTSD and the only activity that I have found to help
with my condition is off road motorcycle competition events that
are held at places like Carnegie SVRA and Hollister Hills SVRA. The
only machines that offer the safe components required to ride in
off road conditions are RED STICKER machines. I also ride my RED
STICKER machine to alleviate stress at the SVRA's even when there
are not competition events. If I cannot ride a competition machine
my condition will worsen. 
Please be reasonable and help me with my stress so that I can
continue to help others. 
Matt Brock 
SJFD #761

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-16 18:24:36

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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