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Comment 5 for 2018 PM 2.5 State Implementation Plan for the San Joaquin Valley (sjvsip2018) - Non-Reg.

First NameJames
Last NameEnstrom
AffiliationUCLA and Scientific Integrity Institute
SubjectEvidence re SJV PM2.5 SIP Showing NO PM2.5 Deaths in CA and US
Subject: Evidence re SJV PM2.5 SIP Showing NO PM2.5 Deaths in CA
and US

Please read my October 1, 2018 attachment "Recent PM2.5 Activities
Documenting NO Relationship Between PM2.5 and Total Mortality in
US."  I provide weblinks to overwhelming evidence of NO
relationship between PM2.5 and total mortality in California and
the US.  This evidence challenges the scientific and economic
validity of the EPA PM2.5 NAAQS and challenges the validity of the

This comment was previously submitted to sjvsipsupplement.  If I do
not receive a response from at least one CARB member, then I will
assume that my comment has not been read or considered by any CARB

Original File NamePM2.5 Working Group Enstrom Evidence NO PM2.5 Deaths 100118.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-01-21 22:16:28

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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