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Comment for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameTom
Last NameHelm
Subject2022 Scoping plan has some wrong ideas

I am writing to urge you to strengthen and improve the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan Update. It is simply not good enough to meet the urgency of the climate crisis and the desperate need for bold actions. CARB must achieve a more ambitious Scoping Plan that leads to an accelerated pathway to carbon neutrality so that the state’s 40 million residents and future generations of Californians can live in and thrive in a cleaner and healthier environment. 

Two parts in particular lead in the wrong direction of expanding use of fossil fuels.  1) Expanding LNG will lead to more CO2 by combustion, and more methane will be inevitably released. To say that LNG will fill the near-time energy gap, also carries with that these facilities will become stranded assets.  2) To plan that Direct Carbon Capture technology will be able to remove 110 MMT of CO2 by 2045 is wishful thinking with no present evidence to support it.

I strongly urge the California Air Resources Board to adopt a more ambitious plan on how our state will combat the most catastrophic impacts of climate change in the crucial years ahead. To accomplish this, CARB must improve the Draft Scoping Plan by accelerating a phase-out of oil and gas extraction and oil refining; not making any more investment in fossil fuel infrastructure; eliminating or significantly reducing our reliance on unproven and costly technologies to prolong polluting fuel sources; pursuing more robust transportation sector targets; and decarbonizing buildings. The escalating climate crisis demands that CARB adopts a more ambitious Scoping Plan, one with the vision and conviction to provide the solutions that are needed to overcome the crisis that we face. Thank you for your consideration.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-21 12:32:11

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