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Comment 2 for To Consider Proposed Control Measure for Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth (ogvatberth2019) - 15-1.

First NameMizutani
Last NameShingo
SubjectROG calculation
WIth reference to ROG, please advise more details how to calculate
ROG, because a vessel which equips LNG fueled Diesel Generator
engine will be delivered soon, Therefore we'd like to prove that
the LNG fueled engine is acceptable for At-Berth Regulation.
I understand that it is mentioned in attached file, Page.A-22, but
sorry it is no clear.
It mentions that "ROG shall be calculated as a fraction of the TOG,
set forth in carb's Off- Road Diesel HAC to ROG/TOG Ratio ......"
So, what is FRAC(Excel)-Fraction data for source categories,
February 21, 2019 ? and how to calculate, please advise formula.

Original File NameAttachment A.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2020-04-02 17:17:58

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