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Comment for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameStephen
Last NameGreenberg
SubjectWe need a strong anti-global-warming program
California's Legislature and -- last month -- voters have made it
clear: we acknowledge global warming as a real problem in need of
real solutions. E.g., I'm glad the current CARB proposal sets
decreasing limits on global warming emissions. But I hope it will
be strengthened by (a) requiring more of the state’s largest
polluters to pay for their global warming emissions instead of
giving permits away for free; and (b) forcing polluters to pay for
the emissions they generate by purchasing permits in an auction, so
we can reinvest the auction funds into efforts that will help us
transition to a cleaner economy and help lower energy costs.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-11 15:23:25

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