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Comment 450 for Amendments to the Small Off-Road Engine Regulations: Transition to Zero Emissions (sore2021) - 45 Day.

First NameMiguel
Last NameAspeitia
AffiliationGlobal Sun Landscape
SubjectNo gas power equipment
electrical equipment for the landscape is fine for homeowner but
for commercial landscape   side  their is a great expense incurred
for products that don't  do as well as gas powered equipment .
People banning gas power equipment have probably never been on a
commercial landscape maintenance rout. Battery powered equipment
have high cost to purchase and when battery is no longer useful
replacment is almost as much of a cost as the original purchase. 
Battery equipment  for large landscape maintenance is not yet
economically smart at this point due to reduced power and cost
compared to gas power equipment .

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-21 06:12:43

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