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Comment 8 for Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Omnibus Regulation and Associated Amendments (hdomnibus2020) - 45 Day.

First NameBill
Last NameThunberg
AffiliationInternational Hydrail Conferences
SubjectHeavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Omnibus Regulation
There is always the temptation to take half measures even when the
best solution is up for consideration if the best solution is even
a little bit out of the box. Hydrogen Fuel Cells are the best
option for heavy duty vehicles given the range advantages existing
fueling site locations, sustainability and synergies between
applications - creation of smart grids, potential for grid
stability uses and resilience in the form of backup during natural
disasters.  As a leader in environmental consciousness, California
has the opportunity to create a clean industry and the workforce of
the future, make significant improvements in air quality and noise
reduction by incentivizing hydrogen technology.  Existing vehicles
can be retro-fitted with fuel cell prime movers extending or
meeting the life cycle needs of capital investments already made
and deploying new capital investment that meets or exceeds current
life cycle needs.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2020-08-14 09:05:19

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