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Comment for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - .

First NameVicki
Last NameOlds
SubjectPlease reform the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Dear California Air Resources Board,

To Whom It May Concern;

IMHO, the proposed California Low Carbon Fuel Standard is a climate
policy failure that backslides on the state's role as a "Climate
Leader" -- and everyone's watching (all the time).

Subsidizing use/availability of COMBUSTION FUELS at BILLION$$/year
when we could be subsidizing clean energy infrastructure and
deliverables -- wind, solar, gasification ... -- to the power
grid(s)!?  *sigh*.  

Wrong direction.  Why spend/invest our tax dollars towards
soon-to-be non-viable energy futures For All Mankind?   What is
your job -- just to keep it?

I urge you to correct your course and modernize the program by
reflecting your consensus that the only way to meet air quality
standards is through the fade-to-elimination of combustion fuels
(and industries) altogether.  It will take a long time to turn this
shop around yet it can be done and we can start now.  


You could add a clean air multiplier to the credits system,
especially for public fleets that transport many people at once,
and throw a big LIFELINE to cash-strapped Public Transit agencies
that low-income and other conscious City People use for mobility on
a daily, year-around basis.  

Harness the power of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard and overhaul this
multi-BILLION$ program for our zero emissions future!  Truly, Isn't
that your job?

Vicki Olds
623 W Broad St  Nevada City, CA 95959-2117

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-01-17 09:32:32

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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