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Comment for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameJohn & Sara
Last NameDonnelly
SubjectCapandtrade 10
This week, CARB will vote on staff's recommendations for
implementation of AB 32.  Although many of these recommendations
are sound, we believe others would mean big giveaways to industry -
paid for by Californians and the environment.  Because this
legislation is a model for the nation, we need to get it right.
Regarding the proposed Cap & Trade regulation, thank you for
including a permit price floor starting at $10/ton. In the
transportation fuels sector, we support the upstream point of
regulation and auctioning 100% of permits. In the industrial
sector, the free allocations are excessive and should be reduced.
In the electricity sector, the final regulation should direct
utilities to protect ratepayers by returning allowance value
directly to residential customers as a rebate check. Finally, we
urge you to follow your expert economic panel’s recommendation that
“The largest share (roughly 75%) of allowance value should be
returned to California households...” in the form of a dividend

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-14 15:17:04

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