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Comment 8 for Car Scrap Program (carscrap09) - 45 Day.

First Namestephen
Last Namehovey
Subjectproposal to scrap pre 1976 cars.
it is extremely difficult for me to imagine your agency proposing
spending 30+ million dollars annually on any program at a time when
the state can't pay it's current bills. in addition your proposal
will have minimal if any effect on air quality. also, the people
that you are targeting are probably currently part of the 11% or
so(20-25% in some counties) of the unemployed. where do they get
the money to buy a new car when they can't feed their families?it
doesn't appear that your agency ever considers what these proposals
do to real people who buy the way when they are working pay your
salaries. your duty to the citizens is not regulations that do
little to improve air quality at the expense
of thousands of families that rely on some of these vehicles for
their is also a back door attempt at eliminating
classic cars which are a billion dollar a year industry for
california.your proposal, although well meaning does significant
harm to thousands of californians that are already struggling. i
would ask that you reconsider and remove this item from

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2009-06-03 16:09:55

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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