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Comment 12 for Climate change early actions (ccea2) - Non-Reg.

First NameRodger
Last NameHarmon
SubjectNew regulations for trucks in CA.
I am writing in response to the admendments proposed to make trucks
in CA more aerodynamic, thus more fuel effiecent. 

 I am a single truck company, as it stands now adding any items to
my truck to meet the admendement guidlines would put me out of
business.  I am not saying I oppose being more fuel effiecent it
just comes down to who is paying for these modifications?  As far
as the idling laws I run an APU (alternative power unit), I have
not heard what laws will make an APU CA legal, mine was bought in
2005 and runs a 2 cylinder diesel motor.  Is there any
requirements to be assured this is ok'd for use?  If not who is
paying for retrofitting of these devices? Just a question on
idling, Why are truck drivers less important than pets or
children?  You cannot leave them in a closed vehicle without laws
protecting them?  You can however leave truck driver in his
sleeper in 90+ degree weather outside so 110+ degrees inside and
expect him/her to get a restful sleep and be alert enough to drive
in traffic without being tired, from not being able to sleep in
that heat.

  So being a small company of one, I can not afford to go out and
purchase these modifications for my truck, which is a 2001
Peterbilt.  So who would have answers for these questions I can go
to? Also what is the actual timelines of implementation on these?

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-09-19 10:51:46

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