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Comment 38 for Climate change early actions (ccea2) - Non-Reg.

First NameMicheal
Last NameFast
SubjectNo APU, what's next?
Dear CARB;

Truckers spend close to $8500-$12000 to install an APU to cut down
on the emissions versus idling the truck.   Now you are proposing
to change the law to not allow use of APU's.   There is currently
no APU that meets your requirements thereby eliminating the
ability to use an APU.

Customers that drivers pick-up or deliver to do not have idle air
units on site nor do they want drivers plugging in anything
electrical.  They do not have any place cool for the driver to
take a break in and wait to get loaded or unloaded.   These things
we have to do in our trucks.   Do you expect the driver to carry
miles and miles of extension cord and where do you expect us to
plug it in?   There are laws against people leaving
babies/children in a car yet you expect a driver to sit in his
truck, taking his mandatory 10 hour break, under the same
conditions.   Do you really want to share the road with truckers
after taking a break in a 120 degree cab?   I agree something
needs to be done but some common sence needs used in the decision.
  This makes it look like you are trying to do something about the
environment but what you really are doing is collecting more
revenue from truckers.   

If this goes through I am seriously thinking of not taking loads
to CA.   Sure I am just one driver but I'll bet there are others
that feel the same way.   This will raise the cost of items to the
consumer and do you think Californians will be happy with that? 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-09-23 13:24:11

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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