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Comment 2 for Funding Plan 2016-17 (fundingplan2016) - Non-Reg.

First NameMax
Last NameVargas
AffiliationSan Joaquin Regional Transit District
SubjectARB FY 16-17 Funding Plan Modifications
Honorable Members of the California Air Resources Board:

I want to express just how important Zero Emission Bus (ZEB)
funding continues to be for the San Joaquin Regional Transit
District (RTD) and other transit providers across the state.  As
such, we would respectfully request and recommend that these funds
be increased to grow the momentum behind emission reduction
The transportation sector as a whole is responsible for nearly 80
percent of NOx emissions and 95 percent of particulate matter
emissions.  These pollutants create severe health impacts for all
Californians, especially those who live around the state’s major
transit systems and transportation corridors.  As a service
provider, we value the opportunity to transport as many passengers
as possible with as few emissions as possible so that these impacts
can be mitigated or altogether eliminated.
In fact, in 2013, RTD introduced northern California’s first 100%
battery-electric buses into service.  Through aggressive grant
writing, cap-and-trade program funding, and partnerships with ZEB
manufacturers we will be growing our all-electric fleet from two to
seventeen buses.  This includes an all-electric corridor in South
Stockton that would improve air quality and health outcomes for a
community that desperately needs it.
While we are proud to be a forward-thinking agency, were it not for
ZEB funding we would not have been able to launch our initial pilot
of two all-electric buses, nor move forward on expanding that fleet
and the methodical planning of more electric bus routes.  In short,
these funds are helping make ZEBs economically viable for the
transit industry.  That is why growing the public investment in
these programs is so crucial at this point in time, especially with
the new emission reduction targets set by the Legislature.
We have made it a point to invest in new technologies, not just as
a matter of innovation but as a matter of mobility, environmental
justice, and public health.  With continued and increased funding
for ZEBs we have the best chance of leading California to achieve
important climate change goals, while cleaning up the air and
making important investments in disadvantaged communities in our
Thank you for your time and consideration.


Max Vargas
Public Affairs Manager
San Joaquin Regional Transit District

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2016-10-11 12:37:18

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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