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Comment 318 for Innovative Clean Transit 2018 (ict2018) - 45 Day.

First NameMelody
Last NameGrigg
SubjectPlease Adopt the Innovative Clean Transit Rule
I support the Innovative Clean Transit Rule unveiled on August 7. I
urge the board to support and adopt that rule before the end of
this year. The rule will help deliver clean air across the state.

The rule will deliver cleaner air, advance technology, and support
good jobs in the burgeoning California electric bus manufacturing

Please, there is no greater threat to the entirety of humanity than
climate change and it is imperative that our infrastructure,
culture, and lifestyles keep up with the science. Fossil fuels
served their purpose to initially advance civilization; however,
they were never a sustainable resource in the first place and now
that climate change is already upon us, it is time to continue to
advance civilization by moving to clean energy sources that aren't
going to devastate our future. All of the science and solutions
already exist; now we just have to continue to implement them and
lead the world in the right direction. Large companies like
ExxonMobil do not like the clean direction that the world is now
heading in, but ultimately it benefits them too since continuing to
rely on their harmful product will only lead to total ruin. Thus,
please, fight for what is just and help make the world a better and
safer place to live.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2018-09-11 20:38:27

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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