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Comment for AB 32 Scoping Plan (scopingpln08) - 45 Day.

First NameLynn
Last NameConley
SubjectVOTE NO on new emission burdens for housing
I am writing to express strong concern about the proposed
recommendation within the AB 32 Scoping plan to target a reduction
of 5 million metric tons (MMT) annually of greenhouse gases from
Regional Transportation-Related Targets. Specifically, I understand
that the Board is being asked by some to increase that target to
something higher, potentially significantly higher, than 5 million
metric tons. 

I strongly urge the Board NOT to increase the Regional
Transportation-Related Targets any further. I not only question
whether sufficient scientific information exists to support
quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from passenger vehicles
at the proposed 5 MMT level, but I also know of no credible
scientific evidence that would indicate that larger reductions are
reasonably achievable or sustainable without causing dislocations
and extreme economic hardships. 

Governor Schwarzenegger recently signed Senate Bill 375, which
sets out the process to determine the actual Regional
Transportation-Related GHG Targets. That process needs to be given
deference and allowed to work. It should not be preempted at this
early stage by unilateral action by the Board! 

As someone who lives in California and is concerned about GHG
emmissions, I have a vested interest in the success of SB 375 and
AB 32. I also have a vested interest in helping the state out of
its current and profound economic malaise. Imposing
out-of-proportion burdens on new housing will neither help our
struggling economy nor realistically achieve our AB 32 goals. 

I strongly urge you not to increase the Regional
Transportation-Related Targets any further. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-04 14:10:34

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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