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Comment for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NamePaul
Last NamePeavyhouse
SubjectPlease keep CARB's ZEV program alive and invigorated!
ZEVs are viable means for transportation today, and it is up to
CARB to set a precident to auto-manufacturers that R&D and
developement and production of ZEVs are what the people want!  The
initial costs to manufacturers may be high, but people want ZEVs
and over time the cost should come down resulting in a viable
business for manufacturers.  Without government incentives and
regulations manufacturers may never make the responsible choice
for the environment.

I request that CARB:
  1) Continue to require automakers to commit to 25,000 ZEVs for
  2) Create a separate requirement for plug-in hybrids that lets
them replace the dirtiest vehicles in CARB's regulations, rather
than the cleanest ZEVs
  3) Incentivize plug-in hybrids that have the most on-board
electricity storage

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-25 15:14:49

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