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Comment for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NamePeter
Last NameBunge
SubjectSetting ZEV Standards we can be proud of
Dear CARB Board Member,

The potential for real freedom for Californians, and possibly all
Americans rests upon your decision to require that electric cars
be produced by automakers for all of us, Now!  

Your decision will help free us from dependence upon foriegn oil
as electric cars can charge at night when there is an existing
surplus of electric power.  Your affirmative decision to put
electric cars within the reach of Californians will alieviate the
skyrocketing cost for transportation, as electric cars cost about
25% as much to run as gas vehicles.  Your decision helps our
nation get out from the staggering debt we are under by reducing
the trade deficit for oil imports.  By deciding to challenge
automakers to be innovative and have electric vehicles on the road
you help keep children out of emergency rooms by cleaning the air
and make the quality of life better for all of us.  Your decision
also takes a significant step towards reducing a primary cause of
global warming; the positive effects of which we have yet to

Be visionary today and set the bar.  Be the coach that encourages
automakers to produce 100% electric cars that should be able to
surpass the performance of GM's old EV1, a wonderful vehicle
eventhough it was based upon old technology. I find it sad to
think that here was a car that moved Americans in the right
direction but once the mandate by California for GM to provide ZEV
cars was gone they confiscated and crushed them; clear evidence
that we need your authority to improve the choices we have.

Toyota also did a great job with the RAV4 all electric vehicle.  
I have a friend who was lucky enough to buy and keep a RAV4 which
she loves and uses as her primary vehicle.  I wish I and others
could have similar choices, but without a strong mandate Toyota
also discontinued production.  

The time is now, the technology is here and the decision is yours.

If you have any doubts, please take a spin in the new Tesla, as I
hear it is a fabulous vehicle.  Pricy, yes, but consider that they
are just making a few at a time.  Another reason why we need your
mandate to spur mass production to bring prices within the reach
of all of us.

Just imagine how having such a product on the world market could
be have a very benefical effect on the ailing auto industry.

Thank you in advance for considering the future of not only
Californians but many other people.

Peter Bunge

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-25 21:05:57

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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