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Comment for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - .

First NameDavid
Last NameMoore
SubjectZEV Mandate
Please, please, please do not lower the number of electric vehicles
that automakers will be required to have on the road.  Please do
the following:

* Require the full 25,000 ZEVs that automakers had promised for
* Create a separate requirement for plug-in hybrids that lets them
replace the dirtiest vehicles in CARB's regulations, rather than
the cleanest ZEVs
* Incentivize plug-in hybrids that have the most on-board
electricity storage

Everyone I know would buy a ZEV if they were available and
reasonably priced.  Doing the above provides a pathway for them. 
Otherwise automakers will continue to ignore the public's needs
(health, clean air, reasonably cool environment, etc.) and the
market's wants.  I would buy one now, if only one were available. 
I want an electric vehicle, period.  I can't afford the $60,000
E-box.  But I can afford a $30,000 EV1 or an electric RAV4.  

There are already companies trying to bring cars like these to
market even if the main automakers are not.  There's Aptera,
Telsa, Fisker, and even companies like Volvo have great cars in
the works.  But if the effort is not incentivized, it will take
longer.  Make the Fords and the Toyotas compete for my business by
making Electric Vehicles mandatory.  That will at least give the
other companies a chance.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-26 07:19:16

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