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Comment for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NameMark
Last NameVan Hoomissen
SubjectDon't back down on Electric Cars !! Consumer awareness has turned.
Dear Ms. Nichols,
I support the agenda to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25% by
2020.  One way to reach this difficult goal is to give consumers
the choice to buy ZEVs like the electric Tesla Roadster or Toyota
RAV-4 EV. 

I understand that CARB will vote on a proposal to allow automakers
to delay EV production for years-- to reduce the number of ZEVs
required of automakers by 90%. This means settling for only 2,500
from 2012-2014!!

I ask you to: 
1. Require the full 25,000 ZEVs that automakers had promised for
2012-2014, and
2. Create a separate requirement for plug-in hybrids that lets
them replace the dirtiest vehicles in CARB's regulations, rather
than the cleanest ZEVs.

Auto makers & dealers won big in 2003 when the ZEV mandate was
gutted- at the expense of consumers, air quality, and independence
from oil.  Weak consumer awareness was on their side then.

But today Californians have a strong awareness of what we lost in 
that 2003 CARB ruling.  The auto industry knows that the political
mood has turned; consumers are wise to their stunts and have no
tolerance left for it.

Do the right thing-- lead the board to REJECT any proposal to
reduce the # of ZEVs.  

Best regards,
Mark Van Hoomissen

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-15 15:57:14

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