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Comment for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NameEric
Last NameCato
AffiliationUS Citizen
SubjectZEV regulations
To whom it may concern:

With regard to the proposed reduction of reduce the number of ZEVs
required of automakers by 90%, settling for only 2,500 from

I lived in Los Angeles for 10 years and have had first hand
experience of the emissions pollution at ground level.  As many of
know, regulation of emissions has had a quantifiable public health
benefits.  And while the costs to the automakers are a
consideration, it should not be the primary factor.  Contrary to
the dire predictions of economic ruin made by the auto industry,
the regulations did not hurt the industry.  In fact, the opposite
views of the potential impact of CARB policy may occur, our US
automakers will actual become leaders in the ZEV technology that
will benefit them financially in the long term. 

Can you imagine what the quality of life would be in American
cities if the catalytic converter had not been adopted?  This, I
believe, offers a context in which the Board should be evaluating
the value of ZEVs to the future of California and the rest of the

The science is in.  Last year, 2500 leading atmospheric scientists
(the IPCC) released a report that recommended large reductions of
CO2 emissions over the next thirty years.  Embracing ZEV
technology could help policymakers to achieve the recommended

For decades California has been viewed by people all over the
world as a social and technical leader.  As one of the largest
automobile markets in the world, the example CARB sets on this
critical forward-looking issue can very positive (or negative) and
far-reaching impact well beyond its borders.

Many automakers are going to be releasing ZEV vehicles in the near
future and I would encourage the Board to look to the future and
expand the program and double the number
of ZEV vehicles required.  Thank you for you consideration.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-17 06:55:05

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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