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Comment 150 for ZEV 2008 (zev2008) - 45 Day.

First NameMichael
Last NameMinich
SubjectBuild the EV, Power it any way you Must...[For Now]
To bring EV technology to the fore front must happen. It is the
only truly universal energy use medium that makes any sense. Any
alternative medium must have an infrastructure built to be
Even the Hydrogen power plants that CARB previously endorsed is
built on an electric platform. It only makes sense to allow,
encourage and endorse building the foundational technology that is
the Electric Vehicle. Electric A/C, Steering, and Drive
technologies must be built now. To wait will further delay the
growth of these industries which MUST exist bringing down
manufacturing and technolgy costs, to build truly economical,
viable EV's. A Hybrid like the Chevrolet Volt is an excellent
example of an EV technologically based vehicle. Current hybrid
texhnologies are too rooted in existing ICE platforms and prohibit
true EV technolgies from being timely established. So what is the
best way to encourage new technology? While mandating is one way
to force EV technology, is it the best? It would seem some other
initiative, tax credits, fuel/emission quota points similiar to
the Flexfuel quotas would be much prefered. Unless, of course,
CARB believes that the manufacturers are truely stagnating the EV
technology to take profits instead of promoting new, clean
emission healthy technologies. Our dependance on fossil fuel,
climbing prices, increasing costly complexity to control
emissions, and frequent servicing to maintain them will end when
alternative technolgies are established. Why wait when we can
begin to build the future, we have the ability and the need, all
we need is the want to.
Thank you for your time.


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-03-18 16:00:46

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