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Comment 11 for Public Workshop: 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Natural and Working Lands Scenarios Technical Workshop (nwl-2021-scen-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Lori
Last Name: Jirak
Email Address:

Subject: Working and Natural Lands Alternative Scenarios
I am writing to express strong objections to the merger of conifer
forests and shrublands into a single category.  I have lived in and
near California conifer forests, and now live in a chaparral area.
This proposed categorization is not based on sound science and will
lead to erroneous management practices over large parts of our
state for carbon sequestration, climate resilience, and wildfire
CARB must withdraw these fatally flawed scenarios, provide a
separate category for shrublands, and consult with recognized
independent experts on appropriate management strategies.  After
scientifically, sound scenarios are recirculated, a focus on
conservation and restoration, carbon sequestration, and climate
resilience will be appropriate.
Thank you for considering my comments.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-12-28 10:17:06

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