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Comment 11 for Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Changes to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (lcfs-wkshp-aug18-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Karim
Last Name: Ibrik
Email Address:
Affiliation: H Cycle LLC

Subject: H Cycle Comments on LCFS Program Staff Presentation on August 18, 2022
Attached you will find H Cycle LLC's comments regarding LCFS
Program changes proposed at the workshop, as well as our comments
and recommendations pertaining to issues of primary importance to H
Cycle, a leading company in the waste-to-hydrogen sector. We
believe the following recommendations will benefit both the LCFS
Program and California's emerging low-carbon hydrogen sector.


Original File Name: CARB Staff Presentation_H Cycle Comment_091622.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-09-16 16:13:02

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