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Comment 14 for Comments for Second Public Workshop (sf6regamendws3-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Scott
Last Name: Miller
Email Address:
Affiliation: Western Power Trading Forum

Subject: Western Power Trading Forum Comments on August 15th SF6 Discussion Draft Regulations
Dear Ms. Bylin,

Please find attached a copy of the Western Power Trading Forum's
comments on the August 15, 2019 discussion draft of potential
changes to the regulation for reducing sulfur hexafluoride
emissions from gas insulated switchgear.


Scott Miller
Executive Director
Western Power Trading Forum 


Original File Name: 190829_WPTF Comments on 8.15 Draft Regulations (00491814xBA8E1).pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2019-08-29 16:41:57

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