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Comment 12 for Public Workshop: 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Public Health (sp22-publichealth-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Laura
Last Name: Rosenberger Haider
Email Address:
Affiliation: Fresnans Against Fracking, CEJC, Sierra

Subject: AB 32 scoping plan. Other harm from fossil fuels
We need both qualitative and quantitative greenhouse gas reduction
goals that are enforceable.  Most of the diseases linked to climate
change will be more significant and worsened by the decrease of the
immune system linked to the Covid vaccines.

 Dr. Ryan Cole, MD who expertise in pathology, found an increase in
several viruses, melanoma, and a 20x increase in endometrial cancer
in his patients. Official data from around the world suggests that
the fully vaccinated are at risk of developing AIDS.
   Alina Vodonos and Joel Schwartz, professor of Environmental
Epidemiology at Harvard, developed a new risk assessment model that
linked the concentration levels of particulates from fossil fuel
emissions to health outcomes. This new model found a higher
mortality rate for long-term exposure to fossil fuel emissions. (by
Harvard's John A. Paulson).

We need to measure the large GHG emissions from cement production
as well as the nickel, sulfur, & uranium pollution during mining to
evaluate carbon capture. 30% of the CO2 captured is used to fuel
the plant.
There is not enough water for new developments on land.

2045 is too late to reduce the physical damages from Alzheimer's,
Parkinson's, encephalitis, hantavirus, developmental problems,

We need to monitor the levels of methane gas leakage from cracks in
the earth near oil wells, water wells, infrastructure and old homes
which increase as they age. We need to convert to electric rather
than build additional gas pipes that will eventually leak.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-03-07 23:54:23

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